Friday, January 07, 2005

1/6 and 1/7 workout

Well was going to try and come up with something more interesting to write about tonight but as usual life is getting in the way. The bambino is feeling a little sick and it is looking like it might be a few trips to crib side. Fingers crossed that he can sleep well. He finally got a good nap. He has been a bit messed up for the last couple days. Woh is me.

1/6 Hmm. Bike trainer in the basement for 45 min and eliptical trainer for 20. Snowed in so worked at home.

1/7 Hacky sack and stretching for 25 or 30 min while the ice melted the driveway enough to get out. Weight lifted at the gym for 25.

Well off to do a little clean up and then bed. Hope for a peaceful evening (for all)

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